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By decree of the President of Ukraine, the title of "Hero of Ukraine" was awarded to our comrade, Vitalii Derekh

A soldier of the 517th Battalion, Junior Sergeant Vitalii Derekh was an anti-tank specialist. He took part in the Maidan protests, rescuing the wounded on Instytutska Street, and since 2014, he fought in Donbas as part of the Aidar Battalion.

A scout, journalist, traveler, and philosopher, in 2016, Derekh was awarded the Order of Courage, III Class.

On February 24, 2022, he once again volunteered to defend Ukraine as part of the 1st Separate Special Forces Brigade named after Ivan Bohun.

He defended Kyiv and later fought in the outskirts of Popasna and the eastern regions of Ukraine.

Here’s what his comrades, who served with him in our brigade, have to say:

Fighter with the call sign "Mak":

"He saved more than one life. He was both a paramedic and a sapper. In the area where he was killed, he saved the lives of his comrades who were nearby. An enemy BMP was firing at them, and there were nine of them in the dugout. Later, there were two killed ('200s') and seven wounded ('300s').

If it hadn't been for Derekh and his crew, who destroyed that BMP, they all would have been lost. He truly deserves this award," says "Mak."

Photo: Vitalii Derekh on the outskirts of Popasna.

Serhii, call sign "Odesa":

"Vitalii Derekh is truly worthy of the title 'Hero of Ukraine.' He loved Ukraine and gave the most precious thing for it—his LIFE. He was a respected person. I’m glad I had the chance to know him, and he will forever remain in my memory. He was cheerful and kind, never took offense, always helped, and gave advice. Heroes never die. Glory to the Hero!" says Serhii.

Oleksandr, call sign "Mazhor":

"Vitalii was incredibly determined and eager to drive the occupiers from our land as quickly as possible. He was a true son of the Ukrainian people. A person with such character leaves a mark on the soul of everyone. I believe he earned this award long ago," said "Mazhor."

Eduard, call sign "Bard":

"He saved my life. I was impressed by his knowledge of military matters. During our movement between positions, we came under fire from small arms. He knew exactly what to do; his experience saved our lives. Vitalii never bragged and always helped others. No one knew that he had defended the country on Instytutska Street or served in Aidar before the full-scale invasion; we learned this from others. He always made us laugh. Such people are rare; no matter what was happening around us—whether aviation was covering us or enemy artillery was firing—he had a way of making a sharp joke that lifted our spirits.

Knowledgeable and smart, with him, combat operations were less nerve-wracking because he knew how to act. Derekh was ready to give everything to complete the mission. He did this bravely and courageously. He had so much life and energy that it charged others up. We miss him," Eduard shared.

Fighter with the call sign "Vampir":

"Today, Vitalii was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine! This is great news because he has not been forgotten! His contributions to this war, all the work he did, have not been overlooked! The courage, confidence, and bravery with which he took up arms, as well as the skills and knowledge he passed on to others, saved many inexperienced fighters! His engineering, medical, tactical, and shooting skills, along with his personal experience from years of war, were invaluable!

But personally, I feel incredibly sad knowing that I will never hear him again; he won't share another funny joke or story, and I won’t hear his laughter or have coffee with him… And I will never hear him say 'FIRE' again," says "Vampir."

Alongside Vitalii fought the soldier with the call sign "Lipa":

"I met Derekh in Kostiantynivka. He was already an experienced fighter. He was an excellent commander and carried out combat missions. A soldier worthy of an award and the title of Hero, Vitalii gave his life to protect our country and our borders," said "Lipa."

Vitalii, call sign "Huma":

"I am proud to have known Vitalii and to have worked with him. He taught us how to work and survive. He saved the lives of his comrades, but very few people know this," says "Huma."

Photo: Easter 2022, outskirts of Popasna. From left to right: Huma, Vampir, Mazhor, Derekh, and Bard.

Oleksandr, call sign "Bokhan":

"I didn't serve with him for very long, but as a commander, he was absolutely amazing; everything was well-coordinated. He knew his job, and we worked excellently together. He was awarded the 'Golden Star,' but it's a shame it was posthumously. Everyone knew their responsibilities under his leadership. Thanks to him, we had a friendly team," said "Bokhan."

Vitalii Derekh was killed on May 28, 2022, near Popasna in Luhansk Oblast as a result of an airstrike by Russian forces. He was 34 years old. Vitalii is survived by his mother and brother.

Photo: Vitalii Derekh.

One of the reasons for the death of Hero of Ukraine Vitalii Derekh and his comrades could be the inaction of their battalion commander, Igor Lapin, a member of the VIII convocation of the parliament. According to information received, from April to May 2024, Lapin did not adequately supervise his unit. Instead, he appeared more frequently in the media and telethons from the rear, engaging in political activities. This is supported by numerous video materials available online. There are reports that Lapin's injury may have been used as a pretext for his quiet exit from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to surviving fighters from the 1st Separate Special Purpose Brigade named after Ivan Bohun, the commander was not present at the front lines.


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